What Is Piracy

Top 10 Piracy Abuses of CoStar Services

Using CoStar’s services without a license or exceeding the scope of permitted use amounts to piracy. Here’s a top 10 list of prohibited acts

  1. Sharing your CoStar User ID and password.
  2. Logging into a CoStar service using someone else’s CoStar User ID and password.
  3. Creating a “CoStar terminal”-a shared computer used by several people to access CoStar via one individual’s CoStar passcodes.
  4. Holding a CoStar User ID under your own name but working for a separate unlicensed company with commercial real estate information needs.
  5. Supporting your need for commercial real estate information by having a licensed CoStar user email or fax CoStar reports to you rather than becoming a licensed user.
  6. Downloading information or photos from CoStar into an internal database without written permission from CoStar.
  7. Using, copying or distributing any part of the CoStar service in connection with creating or maintaining another information service or product.
  8. Posting a CoStar photo to an Internet listing service. 
  9. Cancelling a CoStar service but retaining CoStar content for use after termination of your license.
  10. Reselling any portion of a CoStar service. 




Safeguard Your CoStar Winning Edge from Piracy

What Is Piracy?
Stealing online information comes in many different forms and flavors. Here’s a Top 10 List you’ll want to look over.

Why Should I Care?
Piracy is about you, your life, your future and career. Does it get more personal than that?

Reporting Piracy
Take a stand! Report piracy and you may be eligible for a cash reward of 25% of any monetary settlement.

Best Practices
Effectively managing your CoStar license will help you get the most value from your subscriptions and lessen liability risks.

CoStar Licensing FAQs
Know your rights with a CoStar license

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