Sales Comps

Get detailed, authoritative information on commercial real estate sale transactions


5.2M Commercial Sale Transactions at Your Fingertips

CoStar researches and records commercial sale transactions, putting a wealth of information at your disposal. Know every detail of the transaction: what sold, to who, for how much and more. 

$11.5T of Sales Comparables and Counting

CoStar's research never stops. We're adding new sales transactions to our database every single day. When you're examining commercial real estate sales, access to CoStar ensures you have access to the most comprehensive view of transactions possible. 

Support Valuations

Quickly and easily gather comparable evidence from the market to support your valuations. 

Identify Dealmakers

See who's buying, who's selling, and who's brokering deals in a given area. 

Connect to Opportunities

Sale comparables connect to a wealth of connected CoStar data on tenants, vacancies, for sale listings and more. 

$11.5T of Sales Comparables and Counting

CoStar's research never stops. We're adding new sales transactions to our database every single day. When you're examining commercial real estate sales, access to CoStar ensures you have access to the most comprehensive view of transactions possible. 

Transaction Detail

See the buyer and seller, associated agents, sale type, price, taxes, hold period and more. 

In-Depth Analytics

View analytics for the transacted property and the submarket in which it sits. 

Relevant Loan Information

See a detailed breakdown of loans issued against the property. 

Deed and Public Record

Explore public record information including tax assessments and ownership. 

Discover how CoStar could help your business.  
Contact us at 888-226-7404 or submit this form to request a demo.